Leadership development affects the bottom line

DDI’s 2021 Global Leadership Forecast Series identified developing the next generation of leaders as one of CEOs’ critical challenges. The report also shows that leadership bench strength is 10-25% below current capabilities for various industries, suggesting that developing new leaders and upskilling current ones will be critical to your success.

By developing your leaders, you help build a strong, positive culture – one that fosters high employee engagement. Read our blog post on 7 reasons for investing in leadership development.

Let's build a successful leader

The discovery process clarifies what you need from your leaders to deliver your strategy and shape your desired culture. We will seek to understand your current leadership development strategy and explore the benefit it has given you.

We blend these internal requirements with ‘next practice’ research to ensure that your leaders are agile and future-ready. Together, we build a description of what successful leadership looks like in your organisation to help you achieve your goals.

Designing your strategy

Co-creating a long-term leadership development strategy is an essential precursor to program design. Keogh partners with you to shape your strategy, ensuring alignment with your overall business strategy.

Our programs help your executive team build emotional intelligence, focus on leading with purpose, promote resilience and wellbeing. They help leaders learn and apply the people management skills needed to lead high performing teams.

Delivering bespoke leadership journeys

We design leadership development as journeys, not one-off programs, to maximise and embed learning and ensure return on investment for your business.    

Our leadership offerings build emotional intelligence, focus on leading with purpose, promote resilience and wellbeing. They help participants develop and apply leadership skills crucial for your business to maintain a competitive advantage. Our access to local, national and international thought leaders and partners help create cutting edge solutions for our clients.

Nigel Sanderson

Speak directly with:

Nigel Sanderson

Senior Consultant

Book a free 30 minute consultation

See Me, Hear Me, With Me

See Me, Hear Me With Me by Keogh

A transformational program designed for women to help take the next step in leadership.

Supporting women to become confident and authentic leaders.

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Bespoke programs to accelerate your growth

Extend trek river crossing

Extend by Keogh

Extend stretches you holistically as a leader to define your purpose, develop your emotional intelligence and build resilience and recovery. Our experiential leadership programme will guide you to step out of your comfort zone and extend your leadership skills through “learning while doing”.

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Leadership assessment tools

Keogh Consultants use a wide range of diagnostic tools to support the development of leaders.

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