Wayne Enright


  • Leadership Development
  • Team Building & Development
“I really enjoy facilitating learning experiences in nature and through challenging people to be all they can be. Learning through the metaphors present in nature and challenging journeys is potent and inspiring. This is where I observe and experience the most profound shifts in people’s heart, mind and spirit.”
Could you tell us about somebody who has given you sage wisdom in the past?

Mark Auricht, a friend and colleague who taught me much about life, leadership and adventure-based experiential learning.

Which of our Keogh values speaks to you the loudest? Why?

Humanistic. I am committed to evolving my potential as a human and as a facilitator of self-development for others. I believe that the evolution of humanity starts with each individual, especially those who lead and teach others.

What piques your curiosity or where do you seek out inspiration?

I seek inspiration from nature and art.

What invigorates you creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

Time in nature, walking the beach, listening to music.

Could you tell us a story about a moment of realisation in your lifetime?

I once participated in a Vision Quest in the outback over ten days, three days of which were solo and without food, time piece, distractions or comforts. Just sleeping under the stars by myself and noticing, thinking, being silent or writing in a journal during my waking hours. During this time I felt a growing connection with the environment around me – the flora, fauna, sun, moon, stars and cycles of the day and night. I also had to take notice of my fears, grief, anger, loss, weaknesses, anxiety, prejudices and regrets as well as coming to recognise my strengths, values, vision and the inner rules that I lived by. On the last night I stayed awake all night inside a circle of stones that represented people, places and events in my life that I wanted to address – eg: gratitude, forgiveness, communicate with, express emotion toward, complete unfinished business etc. This has probably been the most powerful experience I have had in terms of letting go, learning from and re-narrating my past. I realised that night that we can re-write our story and the meaning we attach to it – we can be the author of our future and that solitude in nature is a place we can find our authentic self.

When, where, or with whom do you feel the most fulfilled?

I feel most fulfilled when I am with my life partner and my family, when we are all fully present with each other, usually at home in the garden or walking along the beach or going for a bushwalk somewhere in nature where the noise and distractions of life are quieter and we are simply ‘being’ with each other.

What is a little-known fact about you? 

That I have a speech disability or I’ve walked Kokoda 30 times.