Nigel Sanderson
Senior Consultant
- Business Transformation
- Change Management
- Leadership Development
- Team Building & Development
“I find inspiration in the most bizarre of places. I love the creative concept of seeking to understand something completely random, and then build the link or analogy to my work, or life.”
What is a little-known fact about you?
My connection to Australia actually comes through my wife, who learned to love Australia on exchange in Queensland many years ago. And that was easily passed on, now having been here for nearly 20 years! Oh, and we are into British sports and muscle cars!
What piques your curiosity or where do you seek out inspiration?
I find inspiration in the most bizarre of places. I love the creative concept of seeking to understand something completely random, and then build the link or analogy to my work, or life. Some examples I have are the musical shape of the 12-bar blues in terms of structure without boundary, or the learning process of woodworking as a leadership journey of 1000 mistakes.
What invigorates you creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Definitely time spent in the shed on my newfound craft woodworking, turning ugly old bits of recycled timber into something creative, or beautiful. I’ve drawn some great parallels to the challenges it presented me for leadership. And also I have learned patience!
Could you tell us about somebody who has given you sage wisdom in the past?
Aside from expected sources of wisdom of those close to me, wisdom can come from many unexpected places. One that jumps to mind was from a hot air balloon pilot, resplendent with handlebar moustache, who I used to work for as a student job, (I was the guy who drove the landrover to pick them up in a variety of strange landing spots). He, amongst other things, said to me “If you don’t have a plan Nigel, nothing can go wrong”. It took me ages to realise that what he actually meant was “Have a plan, Nigel!!!”
Which of our Keogh values speaks to you the loudest? Why?
Definitely Keogh’s value of, and connection to purpose. This aligns with my own personal drivers. To motivate me to move heaven and earth, and to inspire others to do the same, understanding of and belief in purpose and context are crucial, even non-negotiable, foundations.
Which projects have been the most meaningful to you and why?
Working with Pfizer through its acquisition of Pharmacia and rolling out its manufacturing arm from the US and Europe to Asia. It taught me the importance of cultural diversity and inclusion in organisations, as well as taking all around Asia to assist the business transition.
Could you tell us a story about a moment of realisation in your lifetime?
As a young HR professional working in South Africa through the end of apartheid, it was an amazing and very challenging time to be there. There was huge and radical social change and that really grew me as an individual and professional. I quickly learned to put my own assumptions and biases away and listen. Really listen. The work I did had meaning and was potentially life-changing for others. This has guided me in my professional and personal life ever since.
When, where, or with whom do you feel the most fulfilled?
I love being with my family, we are very tight unit. We do a lot of stuff together outdoors, and both my kids are very sporty – my son is a teacher and cricketer and my daughter a student, scuba dive instructor and adventurer. My wife and I also like road tripping with our gang of like-minded friends, and I can also pull out a photo of our pups at a moment’s notice!