1. Discover

Where are you now?

Take a deep dive with Keogh to reflect on your business – your strategic context, where it’s come from, what you stand for, your legacy, and the magic you need to keep as you move forward. Through interviews, desktop and market research, focus groups, and diagnostic tools we will surface your opportunities, pain points and challenges.

2. Imagine

Where do you want to be?

Discussions and workshops with Board, Executive Teams and nominated stakeholders to explore what the future looks like for your business helps shape your purpose, vision, success indicators and strategic priorities.

3. Design

What does the change look like?

A high-level roadmap co-created with Board, Executives and key stakeholders provides a foundation to achieve your vision purpose, vision and strategy.

4. Commit

Are you committed to the change?

Before detailed planning begins, it’s important to get buy-in at all levels to the change. Alignment and engagement forums ensure that everyone understands the ‘why’, the vision, and has input into the ‘how’.

5. Plan

How do you plan on making the change happen?

Planning begins. We work with leaders and teams to develop the plans, budget, resourcing and decision-making structures to support the implementation of your strategy. Change, communication and engagement plans to bring your people along with you are a critical part of this stage.

6. Implement

How will you mobilise and deliver the change?

We help mobilise the teams charged with implementing the change, offering support, coaching and guidance as they roll out their plans.

7. Review

How do you measure and monitor progress?

Measuring and monitoring your progress is essential to lasting success. Keogh recommends adjustments where necessary to ensure your vision and strategy is achieved.