Melissa Steine- Heatley

Executive Assistant

  • Change Management
  • Management

What is a little-known fact about you?
I created lickable wallpaper for a Willy Wonka inspired birthday party activity. The banana and snozzberry flavours were a hit. When I have the opportunity, I enjoy being creative!


So what piques your curiosity or where do you seek out inspiration?
I am a naturally curious person and like Sherlock Holmes, like a mystery or challenge to solve. In day-to-day terms that might be finding ways to do things more effectively  and efficiently.  Incorporating change keeps me inspired.


What invigorates you creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Anything water related, seeing a musical and meditation.


Could you tell us about somebody who has given you sage wisdom in the past?
A past mentor whose passion and curiosity for aviation, shared , “Failure is not an option”. Associated with the Apollo 13 mission, it is widely known and misunderstood. Being accountable  and never taking things for granted is key to being “Tough and Competent”. Re-framing problems and seeing new opportunities or solutions is valuable.


Which of our Keogh values speaks to you the loudest? Why?
Bespoke! Being ‘open to anything’ is the value that resonates with me. I have always been an explorer and growing up on Brisbane’s Bayside of Manly, I would venture down to the water and fossick for interesting things, particularly sea creatures. I have a love of learning and embracing new opportunities and future possibilities is exciting.


Which projects have been the most meaningful to you and why?
Leading the Corporate Event Management for the Davis Cup Semi-Final Tennis tournament held at ANZ Stadium in Brisbane. This was a large scale project  spread across multiple days, requiring long hours, exceptional organisation, persistence, resilience and leadership.


Could you tell us a story about a moment of realisation in your lifetime, Melissa?
The power of breathe can have such a dramatic effect on a person. I practise Box Breathing that Navy Seals use, and this has been an incredible tool to centre me.


When, where, or with whom do you feel the most fulfilled?
Spending time with my two daughters brings me an abundance of joy and gratitude. We never cease to stop learning from them as long as we are open, take time to connect and listen.